It’s never too late to Reinvent Yourself.
Build a Better Future with a Life Long Learning Strategy
It takes
Mireille Guiliano, former President and CEO of Clicquot, Inc., has said,
“Just as established products and brands need updating to stay alive and vibrant, you periodically need to refresh or reinvent yourself.”
Set Yourself Up For Success
Your past
does NOT equal
your future
It all comes down to behavior change. Like Nate, even if you feel that “half your brain is - dumb as rocks-” there are tricks (& therapist proven methods) that you can try out to reach your desired new habit.
Kudos if you already recognize the habits or behaviors that hold you back. The knowledge or recognition that you need to change something contains within it the motivation and seed energy to get started and that IS half the battle.
Next, find a way to commit to your desired change and then follow the science on how long to stick with this new habit until it becomes an automatic, established behavior.
Everybody is different, and by now, you probably know the defeatist mind games that you play to interfere with your disciplined quest for personal change.
*** James Clear’s MasterClass and incredible personal recovery story is a powerful motivator.
*** Tony Robbins voice and personal power alone can be Crazy motivational. His performance packed DVD sets have offered sound advice and motivational checklists that inspire forward momentum toward desired goals.
We have no affiliation with the official celebrity links - click above for more speaker specifics.
Another great MasterClass ! “Designing Your Career”, by *** Elaine Welterworth. She presents a mind mapping concept (she sourced from Tyra Banks) that plots your high level objectives and so enables you to identify, visualize & measure your action steps.
Focus and work out what skill you want to develop. Each success story above suggests starting with a powerful scripted focus.
***Note: Master Classes require a paid subscription. We have no affiliation with the companies on this page.
I don’t know about you, but we tend to go to Subject Matter “Experts” to see what performance inducing mind tricks they might have for new skill development.
Here are some proven performance masters with powerful behavior modification suggestions!
James Clear‘s notes on “Tiny Habits“ was a procrastination game changer!!
Taking one Tiny step, NO MATTER HOW SMALL, toward a desired goal daily, got the ball rolling.
Why Care About Life-Long Learning?
Re-Booting your skills can build confidence! In this Age of Artificial Intelligence, “RE-SKILLING” is a task that many large institutions are recommending. Push yourself now to find your “Learning Fun Zone” and combine it with a transformational plan to achieve your new skill learning objectives. Tweak your learning strategy to work for YOUR daily demands and schedule. Set the stage now for successful Life Long Learning that enhances your well being.
Reskilling Revolution
Preparing 1 billion people for tomorrow’s economy
Almost a quarter of jobs (23%) are expected to change in the next five years, the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Report 2023 found, with 69 million new jobs created and 83 million eliminated. There is particular concern about developing the skills for the so-called "jobs of tomorrow", such as those needed for the digital, green and energy transitions.
Digital, Green & Energy Transitions
Learn What Skills Are Needed Now
Create a Life Long Learning Strategy: “50 is the new 30!!
60 is the New 40!!”
For those planning to stay active and earning into their so-called retirement years, create your re-skill / upskill strategy now. Remember! Even if it’s ONLY 5 minutes per day - Perseverance may pay off!!
Download this Transformation Guide resource to target your learning objectives and measure your learning progress.
Future Green Jobs:
The term "green jobs" refers to jobs that contribute in a substantial way to the preservation or restoration of the environment while protecting worker rights and welfare, according to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Can Learning to Garden Prepare for a Future “Green Job”?
Do you have a passion for a hobby and specific tasks for it that you’d like to master? Design a project for it! Plan, list and track your measurable Learning Objectives!
Future “green jobs” include professions in renewable energy, recycling, green manufacturing and design, transportation, pollution remediation, waste management, and agriculture, among others.
What is a “Pollinator Garden”?
A pollinator garden is a habitat that supports the biodiversity needed for the insect kingdom to have food, shelter, and areas to breed and eat.
The plants within a pollinator habitat provide nectar and pollen for bees, butterflies, birds, wasps and various insects — all of which then go on to pollinate other plants elsewhere.
Come along for the ride on this “passion” project!Here is a project based learning experience to learn how to create a pollinator garden. We will use the Transformation Guide strategy.
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Transformation - Sustainable Design
Building a pollinator garden isn’t just a fun outdoor activity; it’s an incredibly consequential way to help the environment and all living beings. According to Pollinator Partnership, 75% to 95% of all flowering plants on the planet need pollinators, and pollinators are responsible for one out of every three bites of food we eat. Here are some raised bed garden design ideas plus gardening and landscape design highlights from these great sources:
Planning / Designing
your Garden Space
The great thing about this type of garden is that almost any space will do: your front step, a windowsill or a sunny deck area
“A pollinator garden ideally practices Integrated Pest Management, contains multiple varieties of native or noninvasive flowering plants that bloom throughout the year and has a reliable water source.”
“If you’re starting with seeds rather than plants, prepare to plant in the spring or fall. The ideal window depends on where you live, so it’s best to search for resources specific to your region . Check your USDA garden Zone here!
What plants are Pollinator Friendly?
Some popular pollinator-friendly plants include milkweed, herbs and sunflowers.
The most important requirement of a pollinator garden is the presence of a variety of native or noninvasive flowering plants that bloom throughout the year,” Kelly Bills, executive director of the nonprofit organization Pollinator Partnership says, noting it’s a good idea to include a mix of annuals and perennials as well as nonflowering plants like shrubs and native grasses.
Design: Planting & Maintaining
We’re going to focus this season on container based and raised bed pollinator gardens.
If you’re using a freestanding planter, there are certain considerations. For example, in containers plan to place small rocks or broken clay at the bottom, add organic compost and potting soil on top, and ensure the container has adequate drainage. Gardener’s Supply has extensive raised bed planter advice.
You can determine the best options for where you live using tools like the National Wildlife Foundation’s Native Plant Finder and Pollinator Partnership’s Garden Recipe Cards and regional planting guides
What Plants Are Pollinator Friendly?
An annual plant dies after a year (or one growing season).
The common sunflower is an herb with a rough hairy stem 1–4.5 meters (3–15 feet) high and broad, coarsely toothed, rough leaves 7.5–30 cm (3–12 inches) long arranged in spirals.
Globe Amaranth
Loaded with small, fluffy pink flowers with yellow-orange stamens. Gomphrena blossoms attract pollinating bees and butterflies
Bush Daisy
Bright yellow, daisy flowers. Very heat tolerant and drought tolerant once established
Cosmos flowers can bloom from spring through fall, and in ideal conditions, will reseed themselves
A perennial plant lives for three or more years.
Many milkweed butterflies, including monarch butterflies, rely exclusively on milkweed plants as a food source for their larvae
Anise Hyssop
Agastache foeniculum is a gorgeous long-lived perennial herb in the mint family
Sedum is a diverse group of hardy, drought-resistant perennials that come in a myriad of shapes, colors, and sizes.
Salvias of all kinds are highly attractive to bees. They will be completely consumed with gathering pollen. Expect to see butterflies and hummingbirds, too, but not deer since they don’t like salvia’s scented foliage.
There is a wide range of shrubs that are pollinator friendly.
Button Bush
One of the best shrubs for supporting pollinators, this US native produces fragrant white pincushion flowers that appeal to hummingbirds, honey bees, native bees, and butterflies including skippers, swallowtails, fritillaries, and monarchs.
A deciduous shrub that flowers in mid to late summer at a time when many other plants have finished blooming. Hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees rely on the fragrant white flowers as a late season food source
Oakleaf Hydrangea
Another deciduous shrub with showy flower spikes that are a nectar source for bees, wasps, and butterflies. The peeling bark provides sheltered spots for overwintering pollinating insects
An annual plant dies after a year (or one growing season).
generative ai, instructional designer, project-based learning, social and emotional learning, comprehensive assessment, teacher development, technology integration, prompt engineering, transformational strategies, innovation, learning,
“If you are always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be.”
Maya Angelou
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